Friday, February 15, 2008

Rape & Death Of A Housewife

Most films that have to do with rape take the subject on a more visceral approach, adding violence, often revenge, and over-the-top antics. Many of these films are deemed as “exploitation” films. When you have a film like R&DOAH, it seems very genre bending in order to classify it. Its age, quality, and subject matter adhere to the policy of being an “exploitation” film but it is of a new breed. When you hear the title, you think nothing but it being a sensationalistic film using rape as a factor for erotic means or even shock, but Noboru Tanaka's film is much more than that.

The plot follows three young kids and young adults, who have had their brief run-ins with the law but remain to be “good kids”. They are social misfits and are the kids who have had 12 jobs in 2 years time. They frequently try to squirm sex out of hapless females and drink a lot. Sound familiar? It seems some things don’t change. The title alone gives away the ending for the most part. It still must be seen.

This film simply was way ahead of its time. This film deserves to be more known for that matter. It was released at the right place at the wrong time. R&DOAH is best described as a mix between Korean gangster film Friend and Clark’s Kids. It’s a foreboding film. You hear the title and while watching, you just wait for the situation to finally unfold.

While you forget about it, you soon regain that knowledge and you experience bouts of anxiousness. Getting it over with earlier would be too easy for the viewer. The acting is pretty damn good, the star being Taiko and Emiko. The ill fated couple whose loving stereotypical relationship is one of epic proportions. Scenes will remind you of Blind Beast and then switch to Buio Omega.

This film would best be described as a psycho-sexual tale of three friends whose passions are alcohol, women, and the never ending quenching of hormones. The only way to acquire this film is through a website or various traders/torrents. So far, Soiled Sinema is the only website to review this. My thanks go out to Pete Cann for bringing me this film. I only hope that more people take it upon themselves to go see this.

This is not “exploitation”. This is life. These are things you feel and exploits you encounter. Sometimes you go to far and sometimes you under appreciate the natural human effort. Watch out for a truly heartbreaking ending/twist near the end credits. What sets this one apart is that this is not about vengeance, nor is it about redemption or forgiveness. There is no deep meaning to be taught other than time heals all things.


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