Monday, December 22, 2008


Kike and Nigger are titles for movies that you will never see anytime soon. The Jews do not want you to know that the “k word” even exists. How many times in those “realistic” World War II films do you hear an Aryan superman yell “kike” at the Jew he is about to execute? “Nigger” will never be the title of a movie because that is the proper spelling of the “most evil word ever.” Instead, an “African American” director will have a film with the ironic “Nigga” as a display of empowerment. There is, however, a movie called “Towelhead.”

Towelhead is the latest movie from writer Alan Ball of American Beauty fame. The film follows a ½ Lebanese girl as she comes to terms with her sexuality at the ripe age of 13 years old. I bet this “islamofascists” are getting what they really deserve with taste of freedom loving democratic filmmaking. After watching Towelhead, the viewer will feel “liberated” in their hatred of Arab Muslims and their misogynistic culture. You find that Arab girls can love screwing black boys at the age of 13 (otherwise it would be racist), get raped by evil rednecks, and be protected by warm “open minded” white liberals. I didn’t think that Arabs were capable of that!

Towelhead features a lot of raunchy scenes for those viewers that like to feel turned on by girls that have just hit their teenage years. It shows that one is cultured when they can have a cinematic experience of viewing an Arab teen girl’s hymen getting broken via the hands of an Aryan redneck. We also cannot forget how sensitive black teens can be while shaving the pubic area of a raghead girl. This high class negro makes his first move on this Arab girl by calling her a “sand nigger.” Maybe he felt they were both persecuted by the evil rednecks of Texas?

After Towelhead, you will learn that Muslims can be Americans too. Just like white Americans, a Muslim man has to allow a Negro buck to ravage his daughter. The raghead also has to make sure to hate the evil rednecks that fight all the phony wars for a country. Despite the redneck making up the majority of America’s population (but not for long says the “progressive liberal” globalists), he must be looked down on as an evil literal and metaphorical rapist (despite having any real power). Maybe an underground filmmaker needs to make a gore film entitled “Yid’s Revenge: The Story of Abe’s Holocaust against Western Civilization.” I am sure a short film with such a title would make international news.

-Ty E


  1. “Yid’s Revenge: The Story of Abe’s Holocaust against Western Civilization.”


    As if I weren't laughing enough. Then I got to that part. I want to see this movie because I dig Aaron Eckhart. That is an interesting point you have, we can have a movie called Towelhead but cannot have the "K-Word" or "N-Word" in the title. Doesn't it make you feel like a damn child saying K and N word?

  2. Might have to check this one out,it sounds interesting.Happy Holidays,btw!
