Sexual Parasite borrows a similar theme of foreign invasion as seen in Dead Alive. The very similar plot line follows a group of teenagers who go into an abandoned jungle and in an abandoned warehouse. They soon find themselves in a heap load of trouble when a menacing creature threatens their lives... and sexuality. Sexual Parasite fashions many gore scenes out of the usual deviant arousal films including castration and... wait, that's about the only thing really featured in the film and it's honorable. A killer pussy can only do so much.
In a ridiculous last several minutes, the lead actress (blessed with marvelous breasts) goes Rambo with various tools and blades in order to take care of the evil parasite. The facet I admire most is the weapon fashioned to her arm as a nod to Die Hard and the average hero. I will be the first to admit the cat fight at the end is ridiculous and directed by a 9th grader. Had Takao Nakano not been given the option for digital effects, much of the film would have a fluid flow rather than out of place scenes of wobbly eyeballs and awkward parasite transfer scenes. Sexual Parasite promises sex and parasites and it doesn't disappoint. The sheer amount of bloodshed and topless females makes up for near any error that an independent film could make. How shallow of me.
Sexual Parasite is every bit of an homage of Evil Dead, Dead Alive, and every perversion-horror film ever made. It should be viewed as a director's purposeful piece of work and not as a film made for fans. The demographic for this specific set of fans doesn't seem wide enough to warrant a DVD release from Discotek but surprisingly, the genre fans find themselves irrevocably drawn to this. To be honest, if I saw a film called Killer Pussy, I too would lunge at the chance to buy this. On term of film making as an art, this film fails miserably. It's brash, crude, salacious, and the equivalent of a Shock-O-Rama feature meets The Karate Kid. All this equals a sometimes fun, most times irritating, but competent film worthy of a viewing. That is, if you can brace for what a film called Killer Pussy has to offer.
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