Similar in style to Bonnie & Clyde and 2LDK, this story follows Bernie Christmas. He is an orphaned 30 year old who suffers from a case of mental retardation. Not as extreme as it sounds, but this doesn't stop him from making up invisible mafia plots and an excuse to find his parents; at any cost. Dupontel shines in this role. His sadism is cleverly masked by his charming sweet smile. Definitely one of the better psychopaths to be on screen.
When i say that this film is a dark comedy, I mean black comedy. As in, this film is more taboo than even Visitor Q or Happiness. Dupontel succeeds at making it's viewer laugh at violence, rape, and dismemberments. It's easy to say that even the most jaded cinema viewer will have something new to shock & offend them. Whether it be butt-fuck rape, a certain wheelchair accident, or it's hilarious look at Africans living in France.
The one scene in instance is when Bernie wishes to find his home. He encounters his old room, which is now home to a sprawling Negro family who doesn't seem to speak any language. Hilarity ensues as he goes down in the garbage chute on to have a syringe stick him in the face. While being from another apartment, I cannot help but to laugh at this could-be accidental AID's joke.
Despite being a film that has bits of humor and horror in it, It also a quirky love story. It seems not all is right in this little man's head. Many of his adventures were even recorded on his personal tapes. When it boils down to the formula, Bernie is a rip-roaring sinister voyage into the gates of hell.
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