Of course, no reason is given for this bodily change. David Lynch makes no lie about his affinity for mystery and things that intrigue. I respect Lynch’s obsession with the unconscious and his contempt for intellectualism. Lost Highway is a solidly constructed film to me. Mulholland Dr. and Inland Empire are both films that left me feeling like I just wasted a couple of hours. I have gone back to these various times and have yet to completely respect them (especially Inland Empire). The masterpiece (in it’s own right) that is Lost Highway did not give Lynch a license to delve beyond the subconscious. In all honesty, I believe the “weirdness” of Inland Empire was a bit contrived at times. Someone needs to take away Lynch’s digital camera.
Lost Highway was the last film to feature Eraserhead Jack Nance. Shortly after Lost Highway was completed, Nance was beaten up by two Mexicans at a donut shop because he made a joke about their baggy pants (and told them to get a job and haircut). Nance was later found dead in his apartment with a large amount of alcohol in his system. Nance’s minor role as a mechanic in Lost Highway was a good way to end an inconsistent career (for the most part only playing minor roles).
The character of Mr. Eddy is one of the most hilarious (and that’s saying a lot) characters to ever be featured in a Lynch film. Mr. Eddy makes a true contribution to society when he bitch slaps a white collar scumbag for riding his ass. That “cocksucker” got what he deserved. People should take notice to the virtuous philosophies of Mr. Eddy.
Wife killer Robert Blake shines as the “ mystery man” who has a resemblance to Bela Lugosi’s Dracula. Tiny old Italian men are enough to scare any rational individual. The fear that he invokes in Bill Pullman’s character gave me much more respect for the killer. Bill Pullman is one of the lamest actors in film history.
David Lynch recently mentioned his realization that Lost Highway was inspired by the O.J. Simpson trial. I have my own interpretation of the film, but I have no intention of mentioning it. I find it ugly and obnoxious when I hear fan’s of David Lynch express their “solid” interpretations of the Hollywood Auteur’s films. I would rather watch the latest Michael Bay flick.