The Hitcher follows a young man and his attempt at escaping the murderous stoicism of Rutger Hauer (as the Hitcher). The hitcher loves to play psychological games with the young man. In a way, the hitcher is turning the young man into a “man.” The hitcher forces the young man to develop his killer instinct for survival. Rutger Hauer becomes the teacher that you never asked to have.
Antichrist Michael Bay recently produced a blasphemous remake of The Hitcher, a film that I turned off within minutes. It offers the same trash you can expect from most contemporary cheap violence found in the lairs of Hollywood hell. It also features a female heroine to compliment Hollywood’s obsession with promoting feminism (not for female rights, but to subvert Western culture). In short, it stinks worse than a pile of homeless vomit.
I really wish the young man in The Hitcher took a nice big bite out of the finger he had mistaken for a French fry. Unintentional cannibalism is a trend that really needs to catch on. I am sure there is a surplus of third world meat just waiting to be devoured. Rutger Hauer didn’t become a superman by eating cabbage.
In conclusion, The Hitcher is a fun psychological slasher film. I would be lying if I didn’t say I admired the ambiguity of the hitchhiker and his various mind games. I didn’t have much respect from the young man. He reminded me more of a turd that needed to be flushed. The end of The Hitcher was quite heartbreaking.
the 2 car roll in this film is still my all time favorite car stunt, it was so beautifully orchestrated and choreographed.