Monday, April 27, 2009

The Satanic Neo-Nazi that played a Bar Mitzvah

The documentary Charles Manson Superstar is easily the most interesting and intimate cinematic (or videomatic) look at Mr. Charlie Manson. The documentary was directed by a man named Nikolas Schreck who also happens to be the lead singer of the band Radio Werewolf and also used to run a Satanic outfit know as “The Werewolf Order.” At first glance most people are likely to assume that “Nikolas Schreck” is not that Satanist Neo-Nazi rocker’s real name and they would be right. The real name of the man that calls himself “Nikolas Schreck” is the much tamer (but more appropriate) Barry Dubin. Mr. Dubin seems to have borrowed Schreck from Julius Schreck (the first leader of the SS before Heinrich Himmler) and Max Shreck (who played the vampire in F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu). But then again, most of Schreck’s “career” and “efforts” seemed to have been borrowed from the fruits and labors of other artists.

Julius Schreck

Before finishing Charles Manson Superstar, Nikolas Schreck’s contribution to the art of film was his appearance in the embarrassingly banal horror comedy Mortuary Academy (1988). I found Nikolas Schreck and Radio Werewolf’s appearance in the film to be interesting as they are playing at a Jewish kid’s Bar Mitzvah. Mortuary Academy also had a production designer by the name of Jonathan Rothschild. One can only wonder if he is a member of that famous international banking family. But anyways, it is a pretty strange occurrence if you consider a year earlier Schreck (with “Evil Wilhelm” of Radio Werewolf) appeared on so-called Neo-Nazi Tom Metzger’s show “Race and Reason.” On Race and Reason, Nikolas Schreck goes on megalomaniacal tirades about how he and Radio Werewolf are going to take over the world. Schreck refers to other people as mortals (Maybe Schreck really is the reincarnation of Julius Schreck) and talks about how he is a member of the “true elite.” I guess everyone feels like an elitist when they get the chance to make it on a public access television show.

Nikolas Schreck and Radio Werewolf in Mortuary Academy

During the episode of Race and Reason, footage of Radio Werewolf is shown featuring swastika flags and Nikolas Schreck giving Nazi “Hail Victory” salutes. Despite the attempt of being a Nazi Gothic act, the music comes out sounding more like a deranged Jewish Gothic Carney performing in an abandoned warehouse in the Warsaw ghetto. It seems that Radio Werewolf stole a good amount of their sound and aesthetic from death rock group 45 Grave which appeared about a decade before. Tom Metzger seems to take the music of Radio Werewolf as serious as Nikolas Schreck. Throughout the Race and Reason show, Metzger subtly mocks Schreck and his Schizo-style arrogance. Despite what people say about Tom Metzger, he surely has a gentleman grandfather quality that even arrogant weakling and British Broadcast Louis Theroux took notice of.

Nikolas Schreck and Evil Wilhelm on Race and Reason

After Nikolas Schreck’s appearance on Race and Reason, Tom Metzger found out something that he probably wasn’t too surprised about. When talking about Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, Metzger said: “I personally have met the daughter, Zeena. Both she and her son are not Aryan and have the Semitic look. She married a man called Schreck, who promoted the Nazi line. Too bad he turned out to be a Jew, it (Werewolf Order) was pretty good. He is the son of a furniture dealer in Tarzana, California.” Interestingly enough, Zeena LaVey (who now goes by Zeena Schreck) would later denounce the Church of Satan and her father Anton. Current High Priest of the Church of Satan Peter Gilmore also stated, "Zeena, along with her companion Barry ‘Nikolas Schreck’ Dubin, wanted to ease Dr. LaVey into retirement so that they could assume his position. Neither was suited for this role, and Dr. LaVey was quite firmly in control. So when their efforts failed, they made a big show out of departing the ‘corrupt’ Church of Satan and leaving the United States behind for ‘Fortress Europa.’ I do not think it is hard for one to believe after watching the Race and Reason footage of Nikolas Schreck that he is of the “scheming” nature.

Nikolas and Zeena "Schreck"

Instead of taking over the world, Nikolas Schreck’s only success has been in editing a couple books and releasing a few CDs that no one has ever heard. Instead of actually coming up with material of his own, it seems Schreck is more like a community college professor of the Occult. Although he has done a handful of excellent book compilations like The Manson File (probably the best book on Charles Manson), Schreck seems to be lacking in actually having an original thought of his own. I guess you cannot blame the poor “undead Aryan” for trying.

"If you are scared of Radio Werewolf then there is something in yourself that you fear" -
Nikolas Schreck

Nikolas Schreck also apparently rarely ever appears out of his crypt in Berlin, Germany. There is good reason though as apparently he’s afraid to go out in public ever since someone cut off one of his ears while he was rolling down his car window. I guess the losing of one’s ear can really put one's “mortality” in perspective. If only the people that hate Schreck realized that he is just a poor self-loathing Jewish boy, they might cut him some slack and he might still have two ears. Instead, he has to go on being the head of the world’s most acclaimed occult organization and has to settle for having his greatest populist achievement being featured in a forgotten horror comedy.

-Ty E


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