Sunday, August 3, 2014
Hommage à 'La Sarraz'
Rather ironically, as their various strong national movements and general intolerance towards Hollywoodism/Americanism demonstrates, it seems that the eastern half of Europe that was under virtual slavery to the Soviet Union for about half a century is less deracinated, decadent, and ‘liberal’ than the western half that lived under the softcore dictatorship up Uncle Sam, Ronald McDonald, and the Rothschild Army Faction. In fact, American neo-Spenglerian philosopher/revolutionary Francis Parker Yockey was so convinced that America and the rest of the American-colonized West was such a lost cause and that the Soviet Union was less taunted that by late 1952 he argued that Yank and European nationalist groups should align themselves with the Russians to cut the tentacles of Americanization once and for all, but I digress. Undoubtedly, post-WWII German cinema is a good place to study in regard to discerning the different effects of Americanization and Soviet communism, as while virtually all of the West German filmmakers associated with German New Cinema were hardcore leftists, feminists, and neo-Marxists, Eastern Germany at least produced a couple of filmmakers that had not succumbed to the various spiritual ailments (i.e. ethno-masochism) that were quite common in the American-colonized segment of the Fatherland. Indeed, although associated with German New Cinema, Prussian auteur Hans-Jürgen Syberberg (Ludwig: Requiem for a Virgin King, Hitler: A Film from Germany), who would go on to become one of the most hated filmmakers in Germany due to his political persuasion and scandalous public statements about certain ‘protected groups’ (i.e. Jews, communists) and dared to mix kraut commie Bertolt Brecht's doctrine of epic theatre with romantic Wagnerian opera aesthetics, was associated with GNC, he actually grew up in Eastern Germany. Additionally, painter, filmmaker, and multi-media artist Lutz Dammbeck (Herakles Höhle aka The Cave of Hercules, Dürers Erben aka Dürer's Heirs), who has spent a good portion of his career focusing on the history of National Socialist aesthetics and Teutonic art in general, is from the commie GDR, but that did not stop him from utilizing NS aesthetics, including Arno Breker statues, for his early art instillations during the 1980s. Indeed, although best known for his documentary The Net (2003) aka Das Netz—an experimental work about technology and its relation to Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, LSD, the CIA, and the counter-culture movement—the seeming majority of the director’s work has had to do with National Socialism in some shape or form, with his early 12-minute experimental collage short Hommage à 'La Sarraz' (1981) be a rather striking, if not aesthetically corrosive, example of this.
Featuring a radio recording of National Socialist propagandist Fritz Hippler of Der Ewige Jude (1940) aka The Eternal Jew infamy, excerpts from the völkisch quasi-avant-garde Nazi flick Enchanted Forest (1936) aka Ewiger Wald directed by Hanns Springer and Rolf von Sonjevski-Jamrowski, the romantic musical Wunschkonzert (1940) aka Request Concert, and audio recordings of Austrian-German singer Marika Rökk and Dutch actor Johannes Heesters, as well as clips from various 1930s UFA newsreels, contemporary news clips, and various other forms of recycled footage, Hommage à 'La Sarraz' was made with quite different intentions than its subversive ingredients might indicate as it takes its name from and pays tribute to a meeting that took place in 1929 among members of the European/Soviet film avant-garde at La Sarraz castle in Switzerland where a number of important auteur filmmakers made a manifesto condemning two specific things: “The commercialization of film and its subservience to ideology.” Of course, as a meeting attended by the likes of bolshevik auteur Sergei Eisenstein, whose whole career was based on subservience to an ideology (even if he did find himself in trouble at different points in his career), as well as Walter Ruttmann, who later became an assistant to Leni Riefenstahl on Triumph of the Will (1935), it is quite dubious as to whether or not these men stuck to their pledge, but that is ultimately irrelevant as Dammbeck’s film was intended as a tribute to that spirit of the avant-garde, or as the director wrote himself, “And the result was my own experimental "La Sarraz" revival studio, where we adapted the idea to the present day in an attempt to carry on in the "La Sarraz" tradition.” Originally part of a multi-media project created by the director called the ‘Hercules Media Collage’ that combined performance art, painting, dance (Fine Kwiatkowski), film (‘La Sarraz’), and photography, Hommage à 'La Sarraz' is not exactly something you would expect to have been assembled by a GDR artist (in fact, the director submitted a script for an experimental film that was ‘unalterably rejected’ by the ‘Dresdener Studio für Trickfilm’ aka Dresden Cartoon Studio in 1984), as a sort of innately anarchistic postmodern ‘neo-Heimat’ celluloid poem of sorts.
Teutonic art faggotry at its finest where autistic animation, home movie footage (including a humorous scene where Dammbeck and his friends are introduced as (in)famous Nazi filmmakers), about half a century's worth of eclectic German film/news footage, and a truly throbbing ‘music’ track by noise group Throbbing Gristle, Hommage à 'La Sarraz' feels more or less like the chaos of the Volksgeist of a Volk without a true Heimat, or as Syberberg once wrote, Germany is, “spiritually disinherited and dispossessed…a country without a homeland, without ‘Heimat.”” Indeed, during one especially interesting scene, Dammbeck juxtaposed footage of an ugly post-industrial highway with the following narration from the film Enchanted Forest: “From the forest we came, like the forests we live, from the forest we crave out Heimat and space. Like the forests our souls expand, full of life, lust, and need. Full of questions. God, please tell us, what is the hidden meaning of death?” Of course, there are no forests in the film, as the technocratic plague has bulldozed them down, with East Germany being blessed with the ungodly Soviet aesthetic. In another standout scene, a guy being interviewed for a contemporary news show remarks: “For Goebbels it was always important to provide good entertainment […] they [people] don’t want to watch anything where at the end of the film they say: “We might as well hang ourselves, there’s no sense in living!” No: People want to be entertained!” Of course, Hommage à 'La Sarraz' was not created to entertain, as it is a sort of playful aesthetically terroristic wake-up call about a divided nation that only has an undigested past and thus no future, hence the Burroughs-esque ‘cut-up’ technique style use of vintage footage and audio recordings. Undoubtedly, while watching the short, it is clear that the director has a genuine interest in understanding his nation’s history and his subsequent works, especially his for 4-documentary “Kunst &Macht” project certainly demonstrates that. Of course, only when Germans have properly ‘accepted’ their past will they be able to go on with the future and once again create truly groundbreaking cinematic art. Naturally, the same can be said about the rest of Europe, hence the all but total evaporation of not only national cinema movements, but art and culture in general.
-Ty E
August 03, 2014
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Ty E, just in reply to that quote in the 3rd paragraph about those silly sods wandering around in forests asking questions about death: Jesus said: "Have you then discovered the beginning that you enquire about the end".
ReplyDelete1985 eh...when Pauline Hickey was 17...COR...WOW...WEH-HEY...! ! !.
ReplyDelete1985 eh...when Heather O`Rourke was 9...COR...WOW...WEH-HEY...! ! !.
ReplyDeleteTy E, just with regards to that other quote in the 3rd paragraph, the one from Syberberg, it should of course read: "Ger-girl-y is spiritually disinherited and dispossessed...a country without a hetero-land, a heimat, and most importantly without hydrogen bombs ! ! !".
ReplyDeleteTy E, i`d have to write the title of this film as "Hetero-age a La Sarraz" ! ! !.
ReplyDeleteThis movie runs 12 minutes, Heather was 12 when she snuffed it, an odd and eerie co-incidence i think you`ll agree.
ReplyDeleteSo Goebbels would`ve obviously prefered "Robocop" over "Andrei Rublev" any day of the week ! ! !.
ReplyDeleteThats not Leni Riefenstahl, its a gorgeous sexy young girl ! ! !.
ReplyDelete"All reality, all life merges into a sign", as in: "The world essentially ended on February 1st 1988" which it did Ty E make no mistake about that ! ! !.
ReplyDeleteTy E, in 3 hours it`ll be exactly 69 years to the day since Colonel Tibbets and the crew of the 'Enola Straight' gave America its freedom for the next 500 years, be thankful and dont be a turncoat you bloody Nazi bastard.
ReplyDeleteTheodore (Dutch) Van Kirk (The 'Enola Straights' navigator) only just snuffed it, the geezer was 93. He was the last of the crew from 1945. They were the greatest ever all-Americans because they gave another 500 million American citizens their freedom for the next 500 years ! ! !, but a lot of those 500 million lucky bastards are fucking ingrates who dont appreciate what the crew of the 'Enola Straight' did for them almost 70 years ago, they even like to bite the hand that feeds them, the bloody dirty bastards and traitors.
ReplyDeleteJapans female population should`ve been used and exploited sexually much more than they actually were after the war, ALL Japanese females aged between 5 and 45 should`ve been turned into whores designed specifically for the use and pleasure of the US armed forces.
ReplyDelete"Ty E, i couldn`t find out anything on the internet about Hans-Jurgen Syberbergs sexual orientation, i hope hes not a bloody woofter ! ! !. In pictures of him he has got the slight look of a pansy queer fairy. If he is a faggot that would of course negate everything hes ever written and said. I HATE DIRTY QUEER BASTARDS."
ReplyDeleteSyberberg is as rampantly heterosexual as Nazi pimp Joey Goebbels. How do I know, you might ask?! Well, his cute little daughter Amelie is the real star of his magnum opus "Hitler: A Film From Germany." Now, Syberberg should be, as it were, your favorite filmmaker.